Monday, November 23, 2009

Money Tip Of The Day - Trash Picking

Did you know that the price of scrap metal is at an all time high?

Seriously though , many recycling centers are begging for any sort of scrap metal , copper, aluminum and chromium, they're all in HOT demand.

Think about it , metal is all around us , and we can leverage this to our own advantage. Get some friends involved to build your METAL empire!

Here are some things that are metal and worth a bunch.

Aluminum cans - This of course is the first level of recycling , many cans are all over the road, and can bring 70 or so cents a pound, good money for time well spent. The side benefit is that you can get exercise too!

Street Signs - These things can weigh several pounds, the average stopsign is worth like $5 at the recycling center, and these are ALL OVER the place.

Guardrails - No one really needs guardrails, they're just there in case a accident happens, which isn't too often, now is it? You can seriously make like $10 per guard rail you reycle.

Copper Wiring - Yes, this can be dangerous to get, but if you have a 'friend' check to see if the wiring is hot or active, you can minimize all personal risk. We found that the average hobo could be convinced for a bottle of colt 45 , this could yield a 1,000% Profit, now talk about return on investment!

One unique idea that was presented to us was to have your very own trash blackmailing ring. This works by throwing bags of trash on someone's yard , if they pay you , you'll remove it ,if not you can throw more trash on their yard. This is sort of an extortion scheme, so make sure you have someone else to blame.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Money Tip Of The Day - Begging

Did you know that professional panhandlers are rich some times?

Yes ,seriously, you can beg for money , and MAKE tons of money doing it, with low overhead, this business opportunity is absolutely sure fire.

Here are some more in-depth tips to begging GOLD.

1. Dress poorly, you could even go to JC Pennys and buy some of their clothes

2. Look dirty , the best begger is a dirty begger. You could use PAM non-stick cooking spray to attach even more dirt to your face and hands. Don't worry about the parts people don't see!

3. Have a story! Everyone loves a bad story , the best ones involve starvation and kids, be sure to tell them how bad your kids have it.

4. Be sick! A dry hacking cough from 'the war' really helps things along , however if you overdo it , they might think you have a disease, and not give you money.

5. Be grateful for their money , but always let them know you need more , this can build up a customer base.

6. Kill a person - This goes with the 'hobo code' , every hobo has to kill another hobo , so get it done early, so all the others know you're the king of hoboland.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A fun money Tip

Did you know that local blood banks are willing to pay top dollar for your liquid red gold?

Seriously though , only one quart of blood given to a blood bank could result in you getting $100-$150 or so. Do this 3 times a week, and you've got enough for that playstation 3 you've always wanted.

You could always then take the money, and re-invest it in other people, who then give blood (or you could even provide a car ride for a fee).

Heck , you could set up your own empire of giving blood, and make millions of dollars.

One time, I made a ton of money by hiding small animals underneath my shirt, so when they poked me with a needle, they were poking the small sedated cat I had under my shirt, this allowed me to give a extra quart of blood and make $100 more dollars.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to make money online at home

This website will dedicate itself to showing and teaching everyone how to earn money online at home.

This is no simple task, but as time goes on , everyone will learn a few tips and tricks to earning a real living online.