Thursday, November 19, 2009

Money Tip Of The Day - Begging

Did you know that professional panhandlers are rich some times?

Yes ,seriously, you can beg for money , and MAKE tons of money doing it, with low overhead, this business opportunity is absolutely sure fire.

Here are some more in-depth tips to begging GOLD.

1. Dress poorly, you could even go to JC Pennys and buy some of their clothes

2. Look dirty , the best begger is a dirty begger. You could use PAM non-stick cooking spray to attach even more dirt to your face and hands. Don't worry about the parts people don't see!

3. Have a story! Everyone loves a bad story , the best ones involve starvation and kids, be sure to tell them how bad your kids have it.

4. Be sick! A dry hacking cough from 'the war' really helps things along , however if you overdo it , they might think you have a disease, and not give you money.

5. Be grateful for their money , but always let them know you need more , this can build up a customer base.

6. Kill a person - This goes with the 'hobo code' , every hobo has to kill another hobo , so get it done early, so all the others know you're the king of hoboland.

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